Our Flexible Trim Strips Will Always Be Made in America
InstaTrim Flexible Trim Strips Inventor, Greg Amundson, says:
“We are grateful to live in this land of opportunity and proud that our products are made in the USA.”
Buying products Made in the USA impacts your bottom line
Spending money in America keeps our economy moving, which is good for all of us. According to Kurt Ublir, inventor, investor and chairman of The Made in America Movement, buying American-made products has doubled the impact on the domestic economy relative to buying foreign made products.
American products create jobs
When you buy American-made products, you help create American jobs, from the companies making the products to the companies that manufacture and sell them. For example, in addition to the InstaTrim® team in the home office in Scandia, MN, Bio-Plastic Solutions, LLC of Blooming Prairie, MN manufactures our self-adhesive trim strips. An independently owned engineering and manufacturing company, they are committed to publicly utilizing environmentally sensitive products and processes, so they also protect the environment. We also hire people in the US to market, sell and deliver our product.
American products are known to be of better quality
According to economists at the multinational management consulting firm, Boston Consulting Group, 60% of Chinese consumers are willing to pay more for products labeled “Made in the USA” over those labeled “Made in China.”
American products are safer
Products made in America are governed by consumer protection laws and safety standards, so are less likely to hurt you, your family or the environment.
American workers are protected
There are laws in America that mandate ethical standards for protecting employees, including child labor laws.
America, land of opportunity
When InstaTrim® was handed a “golden ticket” at Walmart Open Call 2018 in Bentonville, Arkansas, we were honored for our innovation and being made in the USA, and the ticket got our caulking alternative into 100 Walmart stores. Walmart believes that they help create American jobs by supporting American manufacturing and they do that by opening their doors to American inventors at their annual Open Call.