How InstaTrim Was Born
We are the inventors and owners of InstaTrim Products. Hard to believe that this all started about nine years ago in a period where we’re going broke due to the failing residential market. We were building custom homes on the North Shore of Lake Superior and felt that we could do no wrong. We were not prepared for the complete shutdown of the vacation home market that seemed to occur overnight.
In a depressed and panicked state, I was lying in bed one night and couldn’t sleep. Being a contractor for over 30 years I had seen far too many jobs where the caulking was messy and dirty and I always found it frustrating that this was the norm. I began thinking about ways to solve the problem of sloppy, ugly caulking. This is how the idea of a self-adhesive, flexible molding trim was born.
I literally went out to my garage, mad-lab, and began cutting pieces of plastic and gluing them together to create the wedge shape that we use today. I decided early on that having flexible wings on either side of the triangular wedge was critical to the success and performance of my flexible trim design. Once I had a three-inch piece of trim, I applied adhesive tape to the inside and pressed it into a corner in my office. It worked! It also looked good.
Networking 101
I knew a little about how things are made and realized there were two things that I had to do. One was to protect my design and the other was to find someone to make it.
I contacted a patent attorney right away to get the process started to protect my invention. I also began calling friends and family to see if anyone had a connection to a manufacturer that could help me develop this new caulk replacement strip. The companies that were recommended to me have been a huge part of our success are our partners today. After nine years, we have been awarded multiple patents and our business is growing rapidly.
Ignorance IS TRULY bliss
In looking back at that period in our lives I now realize that if I was not extremely ignorant about the process and costs of designing, manufacturing and marketing a new product I may not have proceeded with it.
We’re happy we stuck with it, as we have now realized there is a large market for this universal flexible trim that can be used on nearly any project – baseboards and floors, windows and doors, countertops, toilet base, sinks, tubs and showers and so much more. InstaTrim is easy to use and no special tools are needed which we believe is the main reason InstaTrim is so popular today.
My wife, Betsy, and I have a lot to be thankful for this year.
This year we are approaching the $1 million mark. The team we started with is still with us and continues to be an important part of our success.
Without a doubt, this is the most exciting and toughest thing we have done in our lives. Every day is full of energy and challenging battles, but it’s ours and we are truly thankful for what we have accomplished.
Best Wishes,
Greg and Betsy Amundson