InstaTrim is a locally owned company. Shop local

Behind the Scenes of Buying Local

Dollars that make sense

When you hit the streets on Black Friday and Small Business Saturday, or hit your computer on Cyber Monday, think of the impact your dollars can have on small businesses in your community.

Black Friday – November 24, 2017

Whether you wake up early in a turkey coma or stay up all night and head out without any sleep, purchasing the items on your list from small, independently owned businesses pays off.

Your support helps them thrive and creates jobs - boosting the economy in your community.

Small Business Saturday – November 25, 2017

You’ve seen the commercials for Small Business Saturday and you probably know it falls on the day after Black Friday, but do you know what buying local truly means to small businesses? Well, a lot.

The goal of Small Business Saturday is to remind consumers that you play a key role in helping small businesses thrive. Here’s how:

  1. Your money stays in your community.
  2. Every dollar you invest generates twice as much income for your local community because business owners will return the investment by doing business there.
  3. When small businesses do well, jobs are created and money is invested in the community.
  4. The money you spend builds community through the sharing of ideas, cross promotions and customer engagement with staff and other customers.

According to the U.S. Small Business Administration, 112 million shoppers spent a reported $15.4 billion at small businesses on Small Business Saturday in 2016.

Cyber Monday – November 27, 2017

The value of buying local applies to online businesses too. Those who own and operate online stores also value and engage with customers. They often help them solve problems with the help of their products and they support their local communities. For example: CornerFlex, Inc. is headquartered in Minnesota and manufactures InstaTrim™ in Minnesota, employing local people. They also give back by supporting veteran’s organizations and mentoring veterans in their community.

So, you see, the dollars you spend buying local, make sense!
