How InstaTrim® The Flexible Trim Solution Began
Just like any other great product that people love, InstaTrim® The Flexible Trim Solution started with a problem one man was on a mission to solve for not just himself, but for others, too. That’s right, it all began with a problem Greg ran into for years as a home builder.
After taking great care, and paying lots of attention to all the finer details of a home, he would walk into the bathrooms and kitchens of houses he built and lose his mind at what he saw. What blew his mind? Let’s find out!
The Problem
Greg was tired of working hard to create a gorgeous house, only to see it finished with messy, ugly…caulk. Horribly applied caulk jobs. The knife in a builder’s heart. He figured if he thought this stuff was ugly, others probably felt the same way.
However, let’s dig further into the real problem. The ugly truth: caulking is an art form few have mastered. Most people are squeezing the caulk, dragging their finger through it to clean it as best they can, and not putting much effort into making it beautiful. All they care about is the functionality of it. Which is commendable, but there had to be a way not to muck up the beauty of this well-designed and thought-out bathroom, or kitchen.
Who could blame Greg not understanding why people would want to spend so much time and effort into picking the perfect tile, paint, fixtures and trim, just to finish it all off with a bad caulk job. How could he help rid the world of the ugly?
Ridding the world of the ugly caulk kept him up at night long before the housing market tanked and building homes wasn’t making him money. It was a sore spot for his entire home builder career, but he had no time to address the issue. And then the housing market went and crashed in 2008, and he finally had time to devote to solving the caulk problem!
Whenever Greg spent time in public restrooms at restaurants, or in hotels, or even at a friend’s house - he found his eyes assaulted by horrible caulking. Each time he’d head home with these offensive images running through his mind.
Then the solution hit him one morning! He jumped out of bed and started tinkering around in his “Mad Lab”, or what many of us call the garage. Tinker, test, tinker, adjust, improve, test, tinker, and suddenly he’s the proud owner of multiple U.S. Patents for his design and a product to offer the masses that solves the ugly caulk jobs!
Well it wasn’t that easy - he did a lot of networking to find the perfect patent attorney, as well as a manufacturer willing to take a chance on not just the product, but also on Greg. His dedication to doing the research and development with pretty much no staff, or money, won over the right people at the right time.
But he needed to grow bigger, and that meant hiring someone to take his brand to the next level - total world domination.
Enter Stage Left
Greg was smart enough to recognize he needed a lot of help from a seasoned professional. As luck would have it, in 2015, Betsy entered the picture offering years of experience as a graphic designer, project manager and marketing manager. Triple threat!
Once Betsy saw the product and heard Greg’s mission and saw the passion behind this product as well as the laser focus Greg had on success - she left a corporate career making crazy money to join the InstaTrim® team. Thanks to Betsy, the branding and packaging is top notch and she’s also been instrumental in managing online retailers, along with all marketing and company operations.
Showing just how smart Greg is, he married this powerhouse of talent, passion, and intellect.
The Pivotal Point
Obviously, Betsy joining the company, and the family, was a huge deal and provided massive growth of the brand. However, the most pivotal point in the continuing success of InstaTrim® was finding the perfect adhesive for the product.
Once Greg discovered how well a putty-like, non-hardening substance worked to keep the flexible trim in place for the long-haul - stuff got real!
How Far We’ve Come
The little inventor that could went from tinkering, and testing in his garage to an international business taking up a 7500 square foot space in Minnesota. The various sizes of trim products have also caught the attention of Hollywood for use in unique ways on television programs.
After years of never giving up on his passion to rid the world of messy, unpolished caulk finishes, Greg has created an empire churning out more and more products for not just professionals in the construction industry, but also for DIY enthusiasts, and tinsel town!
During the pandemic, when raw material prices increased, Greg was still developing new products like an applicator to help customers install InstaTrim® with the perfect amount of pressure. There’s even a new corner piece product for the ¾” trim, because customers voiced a need for help when installing this caulk alternative in tight corners. Nothing stops the process or the growth of InstaTrim®.
Our Family’s Promise
The business all started in Greg’s humble home, supported by his family and always dedicated to keeping his business based in the U.S.A.. As his company and brand grew, he made sure to include his family in different facets of the business.
Erik, Greg’s son, joined the team in 2020 and is instrumental in managing the company’s building expansion, warehouse management, shipping and receiving, as well as product testing. Cindy, Greg and Betsy’s sister-in-law has taken on the managing of customer orders from all retailers, as well as handling customer service, and she also handles InstaTrim’s inventory across seller’s websites.
The family promises to keep their business’s operations in their great state of Minnesota, and to always give back to their community, Veterans and the USA. They’re also committed to providing a healthier, non-toxic product far superior to caulk for bathrooms, kitchens and almost any room in your home or business.
What does the future hold for InstaTrim®?
Greg, Betsy, and the entire team have plans for new products based on feedback from customers all over the world. The reason why these trim products are paintable? Because customers asked for it. An applicator tool was developed and put on shelves after customers struggled with proper pressure when installing the flexible trims.
Between listening to their customers’ feedback, and their own brilliant ideas, there’s absolutely no end to the possibilities for InstaTrim’s future offerings, and success.