Investing in American Jobs. Walmart open call

InstaTrim® is One Step Away from Landing on the Shelves of Walmart

Open call at Walmart 

Walmart is reserving a seat at the table for InstaTrim® at their Open Call on June 13 in Bentonville, Arkansas! At this Shark Tank style event, a Walmart buyer may open the door to selling our universal trim solution inside stores across the country.

Walmart invests in products that are made in the USA and we’re proud to manufacture InstaTrim® in Minnesota, while also supporting our military veterans through Operation Honor.

Will this be our big break?

InstaTrim® applauds Walmart’s Vice President of Merchandise Services and U.S. Manufacturing Cindi Marsiglio for investing in American entrepreneurs and products. She recently said, “By investing in products that support American jobs, we’re able to bring new products to our shelves and new jobs to our communities.”

Cindi, thanks for giving us a shot at the American dream and we look forward to seeing your team in Bentonville!
