InstaTrim™ Patent Granted
The United States Patent and Trademark Office
The United States Patent and Trademark Office has granted patents for innovation on a “new and useful invention” – InstaTrim™.
The patents were given to Greg Amundson, InstaTrim inventor and founder of CornerFlex, Inc. Greg and his wife Betsy run the company together out of their Scandia, MN home and are making caulking easier for do-it-yourself home owners and industry professionals.
Amundson describes himself as a garage inventor. “I went from creating solar energy at age 14 by heating water with a piece of glass in the rays of the sun to inventing a product that is replacing caulk in homes and businesses across the country. It’s exciting!”
InstaTrim’s patented, flexible wings make it easy to apply with no mess. It will conform and seal to almost any application surface, including ceramic tile, laminate, solid surfaces, wood and metal.
The self-adhesive trim strips are also a healthier alternative to caulk. They are non-toxic and made of PVC, which doesn’t require curing, so there are no toxic and smelly fumes. The product is also environmentally friendly, leaving very little waste and the packaging is 100% recyclable.
“I’m honored to be granted Pat. 9765960 and Pat. 9783999 on my invention,” says Amundson. “And, I hope our work leads to a stronger marketplace and job growth.”
InstaTrim™ is available online at www.instatrim.com, comes in six colors and can be customized in color and size.