Homeowner Covers Cracks in New North Carolina Home with InstaTrim®
What do you do when you have cracks and gaps in your new house that need to be filled and you prefer not to use caulk? Ashleigh V. of Garner, North Carolina did a Google search for a trimming alternative, found InstaTrim® and shot an email off to the President of the company in Minnesota.
“This project has become quite the bear,” she told InstaTrim President Greg Amundson. “Especially since I'm renovating a house largely alone.” Confident that his product would meet Ashleigh’s needs, Greg walked her through all of the issues that needed solving within her house, from backsplashes to baseboards.
Flexible Trim Strips on a Backsplash
They started with the backsplash in the kitchen, which Ashley said, “is a doozy.” She said it was the ugliest backsplash she had ever seen, and she had a desire to make it more modern and neutral. She also described a rather large gap between the counter and the wall. “Having been a custom home builder for over 30 years, I’ve seen my fair share of backsplash gaps and some ‘canyons,’ said Amundson, and he proceeded to offer guidance and recommendations on how to fill them. “The Instatrim looks like it should cover up that gap but still look modern and sleek,” Ashleigh responded to Greg. “I'm excited to try it out and see how it works.”
Caulk Alternative in the Bathroom
Next up were the bathroom baseboards and toilet. The first thing Ashley did was seal the bottom of the toilet and tub with white InstaTrim. The toilet had a slight gap between the floor and bottom and she didn't want debris to get stuck under it. “I have to say, I'm super impressed by how the InstaTrim turned out,” Ashleigh reported back to Greg. “It was way easier than caulking gun and scraper tools and the final product looks so good! It’s the perfect clean modern lines I'm going for.”
Watch for more updates on how Ashleigh is covering her cracks in North Carolina. She is continuing to document her projects as they are completed and plans to write about her experiences and share photos here, within the coming weeks.