A Top to Bottom Bathroom Renovation
Bathroom renovation on a budget
I recently completed a full bathroom renovation in my new old home. When I bought the house, it was extremely dated and constructed with cheap materials. When I was planning my renovation, I knew I wanted a clean, modern look, but I had a tight budget. I also had never done any form of caulking before this project. I had seen plenty of caulked toilets that looked disgusting, especially as the caulk aged. So, I took to the internet in search of a better solution, and I found InstaTrim®.
Three main areas I used Instatrim
I looked around my bathroom as it was coming together and took stock of what areas would make sense for the trim. I decided on three areas that made sense. My new toilet needed to be finished, visually secured to the floor and the white InstaTrim was perfect for this purpose. I took the entire length of it and started from the back side of the toilet, wrapping it around the front side of the toilet, pressing it and lightly pulling it flat against both the floor and toilet surface. I completed the toilet trim on the backside, spliced the end and added a drop of permanent glue to the splice. It was easy and looked finished in a matter of minutes.
I moved on to the bathtub and floor edge. This was very straightforward, and only required an accurate measurement. I measured the length of the tub and cut the trim to length. I began to press the trim into the floor and bottom edge of the bathtub but got to a board that I had inadvertently cut too short. I had a roll of closed-cell backer rod, so I sliced a piece the width of the board and cut it into a little wedge that fit to the gap. I then continued extending the trim the rest of the length of the bathtub until complete.
The last area of my bathroom to get the InstaTrim treatment were the shower walls, where they met the ceiling. I had a builder install my shower walls and asked him to extend them all the way to the ceiling. However, old houses being just that, the space between them wasn’t perfect and filling it with tube caulk would have just looked a mess. So, I stuffed some of the backer rod into the spaces that were particularly wide and began pressing the InstaTrim into the corners.
Another two walls completed, and I had the entire room finished. The entire experience of using InstaTrim was so much cleaner than tube caulk, and in the end my room looks modern and is easy to keep clean.